Saturday, August 9, 2014


Posted:  9 Aug 14


To begin accumulating concepts relating to the all-important time-dimension of our reality -- an inescapably useful component of our understandings of this life.  Starting-out, now, by gathering, here, the most basic of information-fragments and, hopefully, expanding -- over the months -- outward to include (or lead to) everything important on the topic.

Beginning of a Concept-Accumulator

Here are Wikipedia discussions of:

Here is an AMAZING link-list of decades from the beginning of the 18th century BC to the end of the 21st century ADincluding links to corresponding articles with more information about them.
Here are Wikipedia discussions of the concepts of the Twelve Months and Four Calendar-Seasons:


Here is a Wikipedia treatment listing  "Notable Observed Commemorative Months"

... more to follow

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