Posted: 16 Sep 12
Reposted: 8 Aug 14
PURPOSESReposted: 8 Aug 14
Immediate Applicability.
In the Section, "Literature (a Sampling)," at the bottom of this article, is a link-list of good sources concerning some of the available methods for efficiently and effectively dealing with bullies and bullying behavior
Please note the separate article on "Cyber-bullying," on this blog.
Bullying is a serious concern which manifests and contributes to social illness and personal suffering. To fix society, fix its afflictions, methodically and thoroughly. This article seeks to help that process with practical steps included at the end.
This article hopes to stimulate and assist thoughtful understanding in order to, perhaps, help us deal with and better handle this natural, but ALWAYS counterproductive, human behavior.
In no way do I claim to be expert in the related professional mental health fields. This information is intended to BEGIN and develop another public discussion on the nature and behavior of human life, with a view toward helping, in practical ways, to neutralize the hazards and maximize the opportunities. If you directly sense a serious mental illness of concern, please consult a professional practitioner or a reputable special-purpose organization for guidance. Perhaps this Google search can help: "How to get help for someone with a mental illness."
1. The path from childhood into adulthood should be a joyous and productive adventure.
- The thrill of learning about the nature and behavior of this world and the people who fill it;
- where one might fit in and contribute;
- hopes and dreams about how things could be made better;
- great fun;
- how to relate with others, productively -- in good teamwork, leadership, followership, problem-solving, negotiating, friendship, constructive disagreement, and so on;
- how to think and learn, as a life-long process of enormous power;
- how to organize information so as to understand, store, and use it;
- marveling at (and drawing enormous power from) the human spirit, history, achievements and even failures -- all containing vital lessons for a better future;
- and so much more -- all part of making this precious life-experience rewarding for oneself, for those who are special to us and, indeed, for the entire human species;
- fuller understanding that we all NEED one another to survive and prosper -- SEEING THE GREAT TRUTH THAT WE ALL MATTER, BIG-TIME -- as integral, indispensable parts of the single, glorious human chain-reaction that is us.
2. But the path is also fraught with much danger -- physical and psychological hazards that can damage, spoil, or end the life experience -- untimely and unpleasantly. Much is unavoidable risk that makes every second and minute priceless. But, much is avoidable and shameful to accept, unchallenged.
3. Bullying is a major spoiler of the joys of living -- for young and old -- for individuals and families -- both for the victim and for the bully (who is also a victim of circumstance). It can occur ANYWHERE that people congregate -- in school, at work, at play, on line, by written or spoken words, on public transit, in chance meetings, unwary selection of dangerous environments, and so on.
4. This is no trivial threat. It can and does harm individual futures and lives -- and thus, threatens the entire human species. Its impact can lead even to suicide or running away; bodily or emotional injury; damaged enthusiasm for education, learning and life itself; dramatically unfavorable changes in life-direction; and so on. NO CHILD SHOULD BE MADE TO DREAD FELLOW HUMANS (in environments that are clearly supposed to be safe -- and which they cannot avoid entering) NOR BE THROWN OFF THE PATH TOWARD A FULFILLING LIFE.
5. Dealing, MOST effectively, with this threat is not natural knowledge -- it's too complex -- it is LEARNED strategy and tactics. Much experience has been built-up to provide the knowledge. It's there for the taking. Some of it is below.
Save the children! Help save the future!
- Bullying, defined (Google search)
- Cruelty.
- A Bully is a blustering browbeating person; especially : one habitually cruel to others who are weaker
- A person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people.
- A hired ruffian; a thug.
- A pimp.
- The behavior which is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.
- "Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior manifested by the use of force or coercion to affect others, particularly when the behavior is habitual and involves an imbalance of power. It can include verbal harassment, physical assault or coercion and may be directed repeatedly towards particular victims, perhaps on grounds of race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability.[2][3] The "imbalance of power" may be social power and/or physical power. The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a "target"." (Wikipedia article excerpt)
- Bullying (Google search)
- Bullying (Wikipedia article)
- How to Detect Bullying at School (Google search)
- Bullying (Wikipedia discussion)
- Violence Prevention Works
- Dealing With Bullying (
- Bullying at School (
- Facts for Families: Bullying (American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry)
- Reading list for all sorts of bullying -- Online, in School, in Kindergarten, General, etc. (American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry)
- Police Information: Bullying (Google search)
- HELP FOR BULLIES (Google search)
- Troubled Children (Google search)
- WORKPLACE Bullying (Workplace Bullying Institute) [Lisa]
- Free "How-To" Manuals (Bullies2Buddies.Com) [Shermin]
Please note: Right now, this is a basic link-list. I hope it proves helpful and do intend to refine it. Eventually, it is hoped that a comprehensive analysis of all resources can be conducted so as to distill a clear regimen of those things that are necessary AND sufficient to master the human bullying impulse.
Thanks, for leads, to: Shermin Davis and Lisa McQuail
Thanks, for leads, to: Shermin Davis and Lisa McQuail
David Nelson,
All Original Content © 2012 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.
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